Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most commonly asked quesitons about Headline Media

Q. What is ColdFusion?
Q. How Does Pay-Per-Click Advertising Work?
Q. Web Design Process - What steps are involved?

Website design and publishing can resemble the traditional print production process, but can also be like publishing a catalog or running a TV station or newspaper.

My process starts with a meeting to learn about your project details, timeline and budget. I'll have questions for you to help clarify certain issues then I can prepare a website development proposal for you to review.


From there the general process is this:

Website Development Contract
Based upon the approved proposal I prepare a work agreement and secure a deposit to begin formal production work. The remainder of the balance due upon project completion and publication.

From this point in the process communications can be easily handled with e-mail, skype and conference calls. Work-in-progress is viewable via a private web address. I can display any and all project visuals this way allowing clients to see design proposals quickly and make timely approvals or revisions.

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The planning stage involves defining the goals for your website. These goals determine the major sections, their layout and navigation links (such as services, our store, home, about us, etc). The goals will also determine any special functionality or interactivity with customers that the site requires.

At this stage I want you to consider the type of design style and ask you to show me any guide sites you would like me to refer to when designing your site or if you have any preference as to colors, style, etc.

Here are some other key issues at this stage:

  • Getting a Domain  I can secure your desired domain name (pending availability). The domain is registered in your name with your information and you will be the only registrant contact on file.
  • Website Hosting  Depending on requirements I can host your site with any number of ISPs or with my strategic partner Full Blown's hosting services.
  • Site Assets and Content Site assets are any graphic, text, flash or multimedia files associated with a project
  • All text and/or product information to be included on the site. What is the website content going to consist of? How often will it be updated? 
  • Company logo, photos, graphics etc. Where ever possible I like to re-purpose what you already have developed.

All projects include use of professional stock photography images from my current library.
If a client requires stock photography which I do not currently possess, an additional fee may apply.

  • Support Docs and Files  For example an E-Commerce site that require me to enter products for you, I will need you to supply an Excel spread sheet listing the following: Product Name, Unique Product ID Number (if any), Product Description, Options (if any – size, color, etc), Price, Approximate Weight, Number in Stock, as well as the product photos named in correspondence with the Product ID Number on the spread sheet.
  • Initial Keyword Research and Development  Keywords are how people find you. Keyword R and D is included in all website development projects.

Headline Media can provide photography, logo design, copy writing and other content creation services.

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Site Map and Site Navigation
The site map is a hierarchal organizational chart that maps all the site sections and illustrates the information architecture of the site. It's the Site Map that will guide me during the site development and allow me to see how the entire site fits together.

Home/Interior Page Layouts
When the site map has been approved I will create site designs and page layouts for the main home/index page and major section home/index pages. In many cases  I will be able to provide these designs within 3-5 business days following the Site Map approval.

After you have reviewed the designs and decided which one you would like to use, I will continue to make modifications to the design until the final desired look is achieved. Once the final desired look is achieved for the home pages, the interior page layouts are created and approved.

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Site Construction/Coding
The final layouts selected are programmed. I create as many static or dynamic pages as needed to complete your site. Navigation links, drop down menus and rollover effects, if desired, are completed. All website development programming/coding to run any special features/visitor interactivity on your website is completed and tested.
Style-sheets are used to define font faces, styles, sizes and colors for consistency throughout the site. Response and email contact forms are completed and tested.

Using a contact form, a visitor can email you directly from your website without needing to open their email program. This is especially convenient if a visitor is not using their own computer when their email program is not available.

Initial Search Engine Optimization is coded in. (Main pages.)?Initial keyword research and programming those terms into the meta tags, page titles, page headings, alt image tags, and page body text.

During this stage you have the opportunity to review progress. (See next item.)

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At this stage the website is on a testing server so that you may view the website development progress at any time. In addition, I'll inform you via email or phone when extensive updates to the site have been made so you can review the most recent progress.

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Proofing/Testing Phase
Before the website is launched, a grammar and spell check is performed to insure there are no mistakes. Any email contact forms and/or programming features included in your project are tested to confirm they are functioning as required.
Other quality assurance test include:

  • Dead Link Check  A thorough check for misdirected links and missing files is performed just prior to as well as after the launch of the website.
  • Browser Compatibility Testing  Websites are tested on a variety of operating systems and browsers to insure proper display and functionality.

All necessary website files and scripts are copied to your domain and databases are setup.
After the website is live, any interactive programming and scripts are tested to verify proper function. Since the design and testing phase often occurs on a different server, it is very important to once again verify that everything is working correctly after taking the website live.

  • Documentation Instructions & Documentation  When necessary, any documentation needed to use the administration functions of your website is included in PDF format.

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Final Payment
Final payment is always due after I take the website live on your domain. Upon receipt of final payment you will be provided a final/paid in full receipt.

Maintenance and Marketing
Minor adjustments to the website are included at no charge for up to two weeks after the website has launched (maximum of up to 3 hours labor). Minor changes include adding/changing text, adding or changing photos, etc.

Major revision will require additional discussion and possibly incur a fee.
I will submit your site to the major search engines Yahoo, Google, MSN and AOL after publishing.

I recommend an on going marketing program on line with continuing SEO efforts, sponsored search, customer database building with email support and promotion just to name a few things.
I'm here to help and will be available for any assistance you need moving forward.

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Please use my free quote form to let me know more about your project
and schedule a meeting.



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Headline Media, Inc.
Palos Verdes, CA
Call (310) 378-4073
Hours: 9am - 9pm, 7 days a week
